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Dr. Saima Sultana B.D.S (RU), P.G.T. in Conservative Dentistry (BSMMU), BMDC REG No: 4756
33-KA Pipe Road (Mirhajirbug), P.O: Gendariya, P.S: Shyampur. Dhaka-1204. Bangladesh.
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Oromax Dental Care (Samad Supar Market, Jattrabari)



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Gum Abscess

Know All About Gum Abscess

Many a times, tooth decay causes pus in the gums which is restricted to a confined area. This is known as gum abscess. Gum abscess is characterized by red swelling and can be painful too. It is caused when the nerves and blood vessels connected to the teeth die of infection caused due to severe tooth injuries or other dental problems.

When these dead tissues of the nerves and blood vessels start decomposing, they form pus. This pus spreads outside the tooth and may extend to the roots and affect the bone as well. As a result, gum abscess or a cyst is developed which can be quite painful.

Gum abscesses can occur in any and every area of the mouth. The area of occurrences varies with the type of abscess. For instance, gingival abscesses occur in the gums only. On the other hand, peri-cornoal abscesses occur around the crown of the teeth, they primarily attack the wisdom teeth. Periodontal abscesses occur around the gum and the bones.

Treating a gum abscess becomes a lot simpler and easier when it is diagnosed at an early stage. Thus, it is important that you be well versed with the symptoms of the problem.

* Severe pain
* Pain on chewing
* Bad breath
* Unexplained sour taste in the mouth
* Swelling of the lymph glands in the neck
* Sensitivity of teeth to hot foods and liquids
* Pain worsens on lying down
* Fever and a feeling of being unwell

Gum abscesses are a periapical problem which means problems that occur around the tip of the root. Thus, the treatment for gum abscesses is the same as the treatment for other periapical problems. Typically, a root canal treatment may be required to treat gum abscesses. A root canal treatment is implemented to remove the infection from the pulp chamber and the root canal.

In severe cases, a periapical surgery may also be required. These surgeries involve treating the area towards the end of the roots. In these surgeries, a small opening is made through the gum and bone to reach the apex of the root. The infection is cleaned and the area heals in some time.

Apicetomy may also be used to treat gum abscesses. However, this is considered only in extreme cases of the problem. This treatment involves removal of the apex of the root. After the apex of the root is removed, the root canal is sealed with a special material. Apicetomy is done to ensure that there is no remaining infection in the given area.

You can consult your dentist and he will prescribe a treatment that is best suited for you.