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Dr. Saima Sultana B.D.S (RU), P.G.T. in Conservative Dentistry (BSMMU), BMDC REG No: 4756
33-KA Pipe Road (Mirhajirbug), P.O: Gendariya, P.S: Shyampur. Dhaka-1204. Bangladesh.
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Oromax Dental Care (Samad Supar Market, Jattrabari)



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Periodontal (Gum) Disease

Periodontal (Gum) Disease

An infection that affects the tissues that support teeth is known as periodontal disease. It may result in substantial damage to the bone and soft tissues that support the teeth. Periodontal (gum) disease presents itself initially in the form of simple inflammation of the gums. Due to gum disease, teeth may even fall off ultimately.

The gum tissues that support teeth in their sockets are attached to teeth at a location that is a little below the gum line. In this zone, between the gum line and the location of the attachment of the gum to teeth, lies the sulcus, which is cleavage between the gums and the tooth.

Periodontal disease targets the sulcus and weakens the attachment of the tooth to the tissues of the gum. Due to this weakening of the tissue, the cleavage widens into a pocket. The severity of the infection affects the depth of this pocket.

Periodontal disease presents itself first as gingivitis, which is an inflammation of the gums. Gingivitis is reversible and is the milder form of periodontal disease. If gingivitis is left untreated, the infection may well lead to the destructive form of periodontal disease, which is known as periodontitis.

Factors such as smoking or chewing tobacco, diabetes, steroids intake, anti-epileptic drugs, anti-cancer drugs, oral contraceptives, and calcium blockers increase the risk of periodontitis. Other such risk factors include misfitting teeth bridges, crooked teeth, defective teeth fillings, and pregnancy.

Symptoms of periodontal disease that need to be taken seriously include bleeding tendency in gums, red gums that appear as swollen, persistent bad taste in the mouth or bad breath, loose permanent teeth, and structural changes perceived in the fitment of teeth when taking a bite.

Sometimes no warning signs and symptoms are observed, inspite of the fact that a patient has periodontal disease. To preclude such a possibility, it is important to have dental examinations and checkups regularly.

Properly following the rules of oral hygiene can keep periodontal disease at bay, or at least halt its progress. Other precautions to avoid periodontal disease include a balanced diet and proper brushing technique.

During a visit to a dentist, a patient’s condition will be assessed. A thorough physical examination will be conducted and the medical history of the patient scanned. An x-ray examination may also be performed to assess bone loss. In case, periodontal disease is diagnosed, the patient will be referred to a periodontist.

Treatment for periodontal disease is dependent on the severity and development of the disease.

Infection control is the objective of the treatment. Scaling and root planning is the method through which plaque is removed through deep cleaning. Scaling entails removal by scraping of tartar deposited around the gum line. Root planning entails removal of rough spots on the root of the tooth, at which germs gather, and helps remove disease contributing bacteria.

Medication, flap surgery, and bone and tissue grafts are other methods of treatment for periodontal disease.